Lactational Weaning

The process of reversing the lactation
development process to return the
breasts to a non-pregnant status

How Milk Is Made

During pregnancy the breasts develop and begin to produce milk (lactate). The timing of this varies between different women.


Firstly, we will deal with how to wean where a baby has died during the pregnancy, at birth or soon after, before being breastfed.

Things To Consider

Some mothers wonder if the breastmilk they express can be used to help another baby. There are human milk banks. If you would…

Welcome To Weaning

A few years ago a team of Physicians reviewed the scientific literature on Weaning and stopping milk production and concluded in the last 100 years that nothing new or helpful to induce milk suppression or to treat the pain and discomfort of engorged breasts. Over 1/3 of women thatattempt to stop breast milk product will experience severe pain.

Women who wish to stop milk productions should be provided counseling and strategies to reduce milk production in a humane and rapid way. Unfortunately this is one area that gets little attention from the medical profession.

This site focus on all areas of weaning and should give valuable information and direction if you have decided to stop milk production.

SlowFlo Weaning Breastpump

For women who have decide to stop breastmilk production